Tuesday, April 24, 2012

GBWA Computer Lab

The Computer Lab/Drop In Center will be closed on Wednesday, April 25, 2012. Science labs will also be cancelled.

The field trip to the Oregon Historical Society will still take place on Wednesday. Please meet at the Gresham Golf Course at 8:30 am.

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 12, 2012

Dear students and families

By now you will have heard about the Gresham-Barlow teacher/school district situation.  Although we are not sure of the actual outcome, the possibility of a work stoppage by the district teachers is possible.

OUR PROGRAM WILL CONTINUE no matter what the decisions of the two parties.  GBWA will continue to operate as an online program.  Staff will be available online and/or through their cell phones as they have been.  OdysseyWare will continue to be available 24/7.  Our office will continue to be open Monday through Friday.

We will be in further communication as events warrant. Thank you for your understanding.  Please don’t hesitate to call the school with any questions. 
Thank you,

Michael H. Harris

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


College Visitations are coming! 

If you are in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade, we invite you to explore your future options by joining us for a tour of college campuses. On May 9th, we will be going to OSU for the day and on May 15th, we will be visiting Mt Hood Community College for the afternoon. 

On May 9th meet at the Web Academy at 8:15 am. The bus will leave at 8:30 and will return at 3:15.

On May 15th meet at the Web Academy at 1:00 pm. The bus will leave at 1:30 and will return at 2:45.

Please contact Kari Clayton, our registrar, for the sign up list and all of the permission forms. Once you have completed these, we will send you all of the additional info. The deadline for these tours will be May 1st and May 8th, as we need to order buses. 

Looking forward to seeing you-Mrs. Sievers and Ms.Keller

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Field Trip: Oregon Historical Society!

Field Trip: Oregon Historical Society!
Attention: High School Geography, US and World History Students.  

On Wednesday the 25th of April,  the GBWA will hold a field trip to the Oregon Historical Society in downtown Portland.  We will be taking a short class and then touring the museum's different exhibits.  This will be a great opportunity for you to meet fellow classmates and learn a little bit about Oregon History and primary sources documentation.  The trip will be in the morning, leaving from the Web Academy at 9:00 am, returning at 12:45am.  Space is limited to 15 spots so act fast, print and complete the permission form,  and submit to Mr. Ellsberg at the Web Academy before Wednesday the 18th.

Thank you,
Mr. Ellsberg

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


You must attend Senior Seminar until the course is complete. Senior Seminar will now be held on Wednesdays (starting on 4/11) from 1:30-3:00 pm at the Web Academy.