Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Principal's Message November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013

A Message from the Principal/CEO:

-What we need is a school where we are welcomed, and valued for who we are, where there are many talents that are recognized and praised.

-We need a place where we are encouraged to try new things, take risks, and making mistakes is accepted as normal learning.

-What we need is a place where there is lots of celebrating and fun, where there is a ready hand  for those who need a boost, and an open ear for those with something to say.

-Parents are involved here and seen as experts on their kids.

-We are all learning together, rooted to the community in which we live by our connection to our neighbors both young and old, because everyone is included here and someone is checking to see that no one is forgotten, and nothing is left out.

-This is the knowledge that is in our hearts. We all know what we need, and all the policies and procedures, meetings, mission statements, and even these words that you now read cannot give it to us.

-What we need is the best in each other, and if we can find it, and if we can give it, the rest will follow, the children will blossom, and we will all get what we need.
  Former principal, Hershel Olmstead

Weather related school closures and late start:

As we transition into the winter season, it is important for parents and students to know where to get information concerning our closures and two-hour late starts.  MEWA will follow the Gresham-Barlow School District decision-making process.  Please watch for media alerts from Gresham-Barlow School District and monitor their web page.  If the district closes schools, our office will be closed.   Our students will still be expected to work on closure days and teachers will continue with teaching and communication.  If the district decides to have a late start, then we will begin our day at 11:00 AM.
New open lab hours beginning Monday December 2nd:
·      Tuesday:                   9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
·      Wednesday:             2:00 PM to 7:00 PM
·      Thursday:                 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Friday:                      9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

We have changed the open lab time so that we may give teachers an opportunity to work with students individually by appointment and/or do scheduled synchronous small and large group instruction in person or via video conferencing.  Lab sessions are open to all content areas and student specific support.  Teachers will schedule special sessions for specific content support. Teachers’ schedules and office hours will not change.  Feel free to schedule appointments with your teachers.   All of our clubs and activities for students will continue, but some times may change.

Science test prep session, Wednesday, December 4th from 1-2

The Oregon Virtual Schools organization is sponsoring a Capital Day in Salem on February 4th to meet with legislators and advocate for virtual schools.  More information can be found on

iPod Drawing Winners for Student Attendance and Engagement:

Carl Behunin -- 8th Grader

Miriam Lupeiu -- 10th Grader

Check out our web page -- we now have a button in the top right corner labeled "How are we doing?". We care about what our parents and students feel about our school. Please let us know your thoughts.
Box Tops for the Box Tops for Education program:

Box Tops for Education® is one of the nation’s largest school fundraising loyalty programs and has been helping schools succeed since 1996. With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for schools to earn cash for the things they need.

  • Over 90,000 K-8 schools participate nationwide
  • Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10¢ and they add up fast!
  • Schools can use their Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need most, from books to field trips to playgrounds.
  • So far, America’s schools have earned over $525 million from Box Tops…and counting.*

Please bring in your box tops.  More information is available at

The CSU (Christian Student Union) club will be collecting toys for the KGW Great Toy Drive this year. Please drop off unwrapped toys and we will get them to KGW.

Immunizations!!! This clinic is available to provide the required immunizations for school attendance:

December 18, 2013
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Rosa Parks School
8960 N. Woolsey

Portland, OR 97203

No School 11/27 - 11/29
Parents and students – check Genius for Student Progress Reports (Call your mentor or counselor if you need help locating the reports).
MEWA is starting a parent booster/advocacy group.  Participation in this group is open to all MEWA parents, grandparents, guardians, and staff members.  The focus of this group will be to organize and support activities that promote our school and provide enrichment and growth opportunities for students and staff.  The next meeting is December 11th at 5:30 PM at MEWA.  Snacks and refreshments are provided.
Upcoming Field Trips:

Field Trip to the Portland-Milwaukie Lite Rail Project site (4 Dec 2013, 11 am - 3 pm)

Join us on a great opportunity to explore a current real-world, large project going on in Portland -- it's the Portland-Milwaukie Lite Rail Project Site -- West Segment. We'll bus from MEWA, departing at 11 am, returning at 3 pm. 

What you'll experience: 
1. Learn about a real life, dynamic, major project environment that is located in our backyard (Portland). 
2. Discover interesting and rewarding career fields that span all levels of academic credentials (i.e., It takes blue collar and white collar folks to pull off a project like this.)
3. Gain a unique perspective with which to view the benefits of math.

Here are a few important links: 

Permission Form

Stacy & Witbeck Lite Rail project site

We make many announcements and provide additional information concerning our program and activities available for students on our social media sites.  Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at the following links:

David L. Gray, Ph.D.
Metro East Web Academy


Monday, November 25, 2013

Plenty to Be Thankful For

With Thanksgiving this week and December starting Sunday, it feels as if the holiday season is moving us quickly from one sale to the next.  I propose we slow down, breathe, and simply enjoy the present moment for what it is.  Thanksgiving is a holiday designed to allow us to appreciate what we have, be thankful for those around us, and extend this gratitude to those who support us the most.  An article from the Huffington Post invites us to add some extra “feel good” to this holiday by showing some “old school” gratitude.  How do you do this?  Send kind words to your friends and family in a hand-written letter, write a thank you note to your teachers, let your study buddy know you appreciate their support, or perform a Random Act of Kindness for a stranger.  Remember to take time for yourself.  Start a Gratitude Journal to write down and remember all of the little things you have in life that make it fantastic.  Life is not always peachy perfect, but learning how to appreciate and find joy in little moments will help overcome the road blocks and frustrations.

So take some extra time this holiday week and reflect on what you are thankful for.  Discover, if you haven’t already, what in your life brings joy and happiness.  You can then share these thankful thoughts, or keep them to yourself.  Make sure to pass on your gratitude to others.  Consider doing something “old school” for the VIP in your life.  This little exercise will help show you everything that is good in your life.  Wishing you, your family, and your friends a very happy Thanksgiving holiday!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Getting to Where You Want to Be

“Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.” - Henry David Thoreau

We just completed mid-term evaluations/progress reports and are looking ahead to finishing the term & the year of 2013. Some students are happy with their evaluations, while others may be less than satisfied.  The key point to remember here is not to be discouraged.  Often, throughout life, we will reach a point that is not where we want to be.  It’s important at these points not to grow discouraged, but rather reevaluate what goals we have, and how reaching those goals will put us closer on the path of getting where we want to be.  This is why we set goals: to provide a strategy with which a course will be set for success and achievement.  A goal essentially points one in the right direction and moves that individual closer to the life they want to live.  Think about your own life.  What are your goals, both short and long term?  What do you aspire to in the future?  How is what you are doing now helping or hurting your journey to these aspirations?  Don’t become disheartened if you were less than satisfied with your mid-term evaluation.  This evaluation merely allows you to pause, take a deep breath, and realign your academic goals to achieve the evaluation you deserve at the end of the term.  Write down your goals somewhere they will be seen each day to help you stay on track and committed to achieving them.  Make sure they fit the S.M.A.R.T. criteria: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.  Last, but not least, talk to your academic counselor about your goals, vision, and future aspirations.  Talking about your goals makes them real, writing them down allows you to better achieve them.
For more information on goals and goal writing, visit the following website:

Important Announcements…

Donate canned food for Snowcap! Our school and the Service Learning and Volunteer Club has partnered with Snow Cap Community Charities to sponsor a food drive through November 22nd. All donations and can be brought to the school. For every can you donate you’ll get a ticket for a chance to win a $10 iTunes gift card. The more you donate, the higher chance of winning the iTunes gift card! Contact Ms. Hathaway with any questions. 

Box Tops for the Box Tops for Education program:
Box Tops for Education® is one of the nation’s largest school fundraising loyalty programs and has been helping schools succeed since 1996. With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for schools to earn cash for the things they need. 

Toy Drive. The CSU (Christian Student Union) club will be collecting toys for the KGW Great Toy Drive this year. Please drop off unwrapped toys and we will get them to KGW.

No School 11/27 - 11/29

MEWA Parent Booster/Advocacy Group. The next meeting is November 20th at 6:00 PM at MEWA. Snacks and refreshments are provided.

MEWA Gold Card Drop-in Lab Incentive Program:
Our Gold Card Incentive Program for the drop-in laboratory is underway. Each time you achieve your study goals that you've listed on a Gold Card, you'll be able to turn that card in for a weekly prize drawing.

Upcoming Field Trips:

Our school is scheduling a field trip for November 26th to the Portland Art Museum to see the Samurai exhibit. We plan to take the kids there via MAX. Please contact Mr. Kennedy or Ms. Powell if you have an interest or questions.

Portland-Milwaukie Streetcar Project Tour! December 4th—This is an incredible opportunity to tour a phenomenal engineering feat right here in our city! Students MUST submit their RSVP  the Field Trip by November 22 (email Mr. Kitchens).

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Message from the Principal/CEO - November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013 - A Message from the Principal/CEO:

Our terrific counseling staff works with all students in planning their educational outcomes

Donate canned food for Snowcap! Our school and the Service Learning and Volunteer Club has partnered with Snow Cap Community Charities to sponsor a food drive through November 22nd. We have a collection barrel in our lobby for non-perishable food donations. Foods such as canned fruit and vegetables, peanut butter, dry pastas and grains, soups, stews, and chili, canned meats, tuna fish, shelf stable milk, breakfast cereals, soups and sauces, baby food and formula are much needed in our community and are appreciated. All donations and can be brought to the school. For every can you donate you’ll get a ticket for a chance to win a $10 iTunes gift card. The more you donate, the higher chance of winning the iTunes gift card! Contact Ms. Hathaway with any questions.

Announcement:New open lab hours beginning Monday December 2nd:
· Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
· Wednesday: 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM
· Thursday: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
· Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

We have changed the open lab time so that we may give teachers an opportunity to work with students individually by appointment and/or do scheduled synchronous small and large group instruction in person or via video conferencing. Teachers’ schedules and office hours will not change. Feel free to schedule appointments with your teachers. All of our clubs and activities for students will continue, but some times may change.

The Open Support Class has started and will meet each Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00. This class is specifically designed for technical and navigation issues, not academic tutoring – please make appointments with your teacher or attend regular open lab sessions for academic needs. In addition, we will have one staff member that will meet with students and parents in locations outside of the school to offer support. We understand the frustration that some students are having and we are here to help and support all students so that they may experience success in the MEWA program.

Box Tops for the Box Tops for Education program:
Box Tops for Education® is one of the nation’s largest school fundraising loyalty programs and has been helping schools succeed since 1996. With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for schools to earn cash for the things they need.
  • Over 90,000 K-8 schools participate nationwide 
  • Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10¢ and they add up fast! 
  • Schools can use their Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need most, from books to field trips to playgrounds. 
  • So far, America’s schools have earned over $525 million from Box Tops…and counting.* 
Please bring in your box tops. More information is available at

The CSU (Christian Student Union) club will be collecting toys for the KGW Great Toy Drive this year. Please drop off unwrapped toys and we will get them to KGW.

No School 11/27 - 11/29
Parents and students – check Genius for Student Progress Reports (Call your students mentor or counselor if you need help locating the reports).

MEWA is starting a parent booster/advocacy group. Our first meeting was a success. Participation in this group is open to all MEWA parents, grandparents, guardians, and staff members. The focus of this group will be to organize and support activities that promote our school and provide enrichment and growth opportunities for students and staff. The next meeting is November 20th at 6:00 PM at MEWA. Snacks and refreshments are provided.

We will be recognizing students in our Student of the Month program. Qualifications for student of the month and most improved student are:

Student of the Month
The student...

  • is dedicated to his/her studies
  • is dedicated to MEWA as an organization
  • is involved in school activities
  • sets a good example as a role model while on the school campus
  • is actively involved with mentor meetings
  • is respectful of the learning community
Most Improved Student
This student…

  • has improved in academics
  • has an improved attitude about school and MEWA as an organization
  • (perhaps) has improved test scores
  • has developed leadership skills and a change for the positive

We will recognize students in the high and middle school programs.

The students that are recognized will receive a Starbucks gift card, a MEWA t-shirt and will ring the Harris Bell. November students of the month are:

Middle School – Laryssa Peyton

High School – Makaena Durias

Most Improved Student – Chelsea Abdelmalek

MEWA Gold Card Drop-in Lab Incentive Program:
Our Gold Card incentive program for the drop-in laboratory is underway. Each time you achieve your study goals that you've listed on a Gold Card, you'll be able to turn that card in for a weekly prize drawing.

Winners this past week are Megan Campbell ($10 Starbucks Card) and Rachel Stafford (Big Town Hero Lunch Card).

If you are a college bound student and are interested in the ACT or SAT, connect with your counselor. The counselors have information and dates for registering for these tests.

Upcoming Field Trips:
Our school is scheduling a field trip for November 26th to the Portland Art Museum to see the Samaurai exhibit. We plan to take the kids there via MAX. Please contact Mr. Kennedy or Ms. Powell if you have an interest or questions.

RSVP and Permission form for the Lite Rail Project Field Trip

Stay Active: We will have a drawing on November 22, 2013 for a give away of two iPod Touch 16GB players. To be eligible for the drawing, the student must login every school day beginning on October 14th, work at least 1 hour on coursework while logged in each school day, and complete 5 assignments per week that are submitted for grading. We hope all MEWA and GED students continue to participate!

MEWA is starting a student leadership club. This club will be open to all students and the focus of the club activities will be to build leadership skills for those who join. If you are interested in joining, please attend the next meeting on Thursday, November 14, 1:30 PM at MEWA. You do not have to be present to participate. Contact Ms. Norrander for more information: Julie Norrander <>

We make many announcements and provide additional information concerning our program and activities available for students on our social media sites. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at the following links:


David L. Gray, Ph.D.
Metro East Web Academy