Friday, February 26, 2016

MEWA Weekly Announcements and Principal's Message

The Metro East Web Academy provides a technology-rich 21st century learning model that ensures student success in a rapidly evolving learning, work, and community environment. 

Dear Parents and Students:  

Winners of a $10 Starbuck's gift card for our weekly drawing:

Student Winner: Madelyn Veliquette
Parent Winner: Kristamy Haughton

Please Come in and Claim your gift cards!

Seniors - have you passed your math work samples? There's only 2 more sessions left so please sign up and plan on getting these done. If you have questions, please contact your counselor. 
Sign up here!  Work Sample Sign-up form

MEWA will be participating in Virtual Schools Capitol Day 2016

Oregon Community Quarterback Scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year is still open for submission. 

The application deadline is 5PM March 31, 2016:


  • If you are graduating this Spring or Summer and interested in attending a Community College in the state of Oregon, make sure to fill out the application for the Oregon Promise.  The Oregon Promise provides tuition money to students who qualify and plan to attend an Oregon Community College. You must complete the application no later then March 1st.
    Please go to the following website for more information and the application.
  • Are you a senior and need to complete work samples for graduation? Contact your counselor or teacher and let's get you signed up ASAP! 
  • Do you need a math tutor?  Contact Toyoko Akiyama-Becker at (503) 669-1052 or She charges $20 for 45 minutes of tutoring.
  • Toyoko will now be tutoring in our open lab from 12:30 to 2:30 Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please see Toyoko for an appointment for one-on-one tutoring.  This is provided by the school so there will not be a charge for this time.
  • eAspire is a mentorship program for high school students who are interested in learning about educational and career opportunities. Students who sign up for the program are paired with a mentor who is trained in helping students with college applications, financial aid paperwork, vocational training opportunities and more.  Student who apply must be in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade and be able to communicate using email.  If you are interested in the program please contact Brian Baker at 503-258-4796 for more details.   You can learn more about this program at this link!
student with mentor

Become a Mentor for the Aspire Program! Volunteer to mentor middle school or high school students in your community.

  • COSA Scholarships
Each year COSA sponsors or assists in processing ten $1,000 college scholarships.  These scholarships are for Oregon high school seniors attending 2 or 4 year Oregon colleges.  The applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2016.  Results will be announced by May 1, 2016.

  • OASSA Scholarships
Two $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year to graduating seniors from Oregon public high schools.  The scholarships may be used for a 2- or 4-year university, trade, or professional/technical school.  These two scholarships are for a son, daughter, or dependent child of an OASSA member who meet the criteria listed on the application.  The applications must be postmarked by March 28, 2016. Results will be announced by May 1, 2016.

CLICK HERE to view more information and access the COSA and OASSA Scholarship applications.

  • Looking for parent volunteers: Are you a good reader? Would you be willing to read to a student or possibly be read to by a student? We could use your help! Please send your name and contact information to Christina Struyk-Bonn at
  • Work Samples! If you are graduating this year and still need to complete those writing, reading and math work samples, please let us know and we'll get you scheduled!

  • Parent/Family Group Meetings: 1st of the month 9:00-10:30 am

Please RSVP if possible, an invite/reminder will be sent to parents prior!!

Students of the Month for January
Angie Rodriguez
Ashley Gregg
Daniel Truong

Most Improved Students for January
Cameron McMahon
Hayley Chilton

  • If you would like information on signing up for the ACT or SAT, please see Ms. Menashe

·Now available on our website:

    We can now accept payments via PayPal for fees or donations.  If you would like to donate to our school, we use the money to pay for scholarships and activities such as field trips, incentives, and other extras that we provide our students and programs. As we are a 501 (c) (3), all donations are tax deductible and we will furnish you with a letter with our federal tax ID #.

    Get our app now and stay tuned to important announcements:

    Download your app for your iPhone or Droid from iTunes and Google Play by selecting the following:

    Select for iPhone                                                                                                   

    Stay connected through Facebook.  We share informative and valuable messages daily.

    Friday, February 19, 2016

    MEWA Weekly Announcements and Principal's Message

    The Metro East Web Academy provides a technology-rich 21st century learning model that ensures student success in a rapidly evolving learning, work, and community environment. 

    Dear Parents and Students:  

    Winners of a $10 Starbuck's gift card for our weekly drawing:

    Student Winner: Makenzie Haughton
    Parent Winner: Michael Lamb

    Please Come in and Claim your gift cards!

    Click on the photo for more information from Harvard on being successful in college!

    MEWA will be participating in Virtual Schools Capitol Day 2016
    Please join us on February 24th -8:30 am- 3:30 pm
    We will be closing the campus and activities on this day and the school staff, students, and families will be taking buses down to Salem.  This is a great opportunity to not only have your voice heard, but the day will be filled with fun activities as we visit our state's capitol.
    Don't forget to fill out permission slips and RSVP so we can plan ahead. Lunch will be provided; we encourage you to bring extra snacks/water!
    To reserve your space, you must sign-up both at MEWA (to reserve your space on the bus) and at the Oregon Virtual School Day site by February 23.  All students and children will need to have a permission form in order to ride the bus so fill it out early and turn it into Nichole Steele. To learn more and to see the permission form, click here!

    Oregon Community Quarterback Scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year is still open for submission. 

    The application deadline is 5PM March 31, 2016:

    • Chess Club with Mr. Ling is every Thursday in the Science/Art room from 11:30-12:30


    • If you are graduating this Spring or Summer and interested in attending a Community College in the state of Oregon, make sure to fill out the application for the Oregon Promise.  The Oregon Promise provides tuition money to students who qualify and plan to attend an Oregon Community College. You must complete the application no later then March 1st.
      Please go to the following website for more information and the application.
    • Are you a senior and need to complete work samples for graduation? Contact your counselor or teacher and let's get you signed up ASAP! 
    • Do you need a math tutor?  Contact Toyoko Akiyama-Becker at (503) 669-1052 or She charges $20 for 45 minutes of tutoring.
    • Toyoko will now be tutoring in our open lab from 12:30 to 2:30 Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please see Toyoko for an appointment for one-on-one tutoring.  This is provided by the school so there will not be a charge for this time.
    • eAspire is a mentorship program for high school students who are interested in learning about educational and career opportunities. Students who sign up for the program are paired with a mentor who is trained in helping students with college applications, financial aid paperwork, vocational training opportunities and more.  Student who apply must be in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade and be able to communicate using email.  If you are interested in the program please contact Brian Baker at 503-258-4796 for more details.   You can learn more about this program at this link!
    student with mentor

    Become a Mentor for the Aspire Program! Volunteer to mentor middle school or high school students in your community.

    • COSA Scholarships
    Each year COSA sponsors or assists in processing ten $1,000 college scholarships.  These scholarships are for Oregon high school seniors attending 2 or 4 year Oregon colleges.  The applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2016.  Results will be announced by May 1, 2016.

    • OASSA Scholarships
    Two $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year to graduating seniors from Oregon public high schools.  The scholarships may be used for a 2- or 4-year university, trade, or professional/technical school.  These two scholarships are for a son, daughter, or dependent child of an OASSA member who meet the criteria listed on the application.  The applications must be postmarked by March 28, 2016. Results will be announced by May 1, 2016.

    CLICK HERE to view more information and access the COSA and OASSA Scholarship applications.

    • Looking for parent volunteers: Are you a good reader? Would you be willing to read to a student or possibly be read to by a student? We could use your help! Please send your name and contact information to Christina Struyk-Bonn at
    • Work Samples! If you are graduating this year and still need to complete those writing, reading and math work samples, please let us know and we'll get you scheduled!

    • Parent/Family Group Meetings: 1st of the month 9:00-10:30 am

    Please RSVP if possible, an invite/reminder will be sent to parents prior!!

    Students of the Month for January
    Angie Rodriguez
    Ashley Gregg
    Daniel Truong

    Most Improved Students for January
    Cameron McMahon
    Hayley Chilton

    • If you would like information on signing up for the ACT or SAT, please see Ms. Menashe

    ·Now available on our website:

      We can now accept payments via PayPal for fees or donations.  If you would like to donate to our school, we use the money to pay for scholarships and activities such as field trips, incentives, and other extras that we provide our students and programs. As we are a 501 (c) (3), all donations are tax deductible and we will furnish you with a letter with our federal tax ID #.

      Get our app now and stay tuned to important announcements:

      Download your app for your iPhone or Droid from iTunes and Google Play by selecting the following:

      Select for iPhone                                                                                                   

      Stay connected through Facebook.  We share informative and valuable messages daily.

      Friday, February 12, 2016

      MEWA Weekly Announcements and Principal's Message

      The Metro East Web Academy provides a technology-rich 21st century learning model that ensures student success in a rapidly evolving learning, work, and community environment. 

      Dear Parents and Students:  

      Winners of a $10 Starbuck's gift card for our weekly drawing:

      Student Winner: Ari Hernandez-Quintero
      Parent Winner: Kari Hickel

      Please Come in and Claim your gift cards!

      Parents and Students, please read the following information concerning students out and about that will effect your students during the GBSD school day.  We learned recently that the Gresham Police will be enforcing this city ordinance.  If you have any questions, please give us a call.

      7.40.015 Truancy Reduction Imposed. 

      (1) For purposes of this section, regular school hours are those hours for the full-time school which the child would attend in the school district in which the child resided, on any day for which school is in session, unless such day is a scheduled vacation or holiday observed by the school. 

      (2) No minor between 7 and 18 years of age who has not completed the twelfth grade may be upon any street, highway, park, trail, open space, alley, other public place or place open to the public during regular school hours except while attending school as required by ORS 339.010 to 339.065, unless such minor is: 
      • (a) accompanied by a parent, or other person 18 years of age or over and authorized by the parent; or 
      • (b) engaged in a lawful pursuit or activity that requires the minor's presence in such public place and is authorized by the parent; or 
      • (c) traveling directly from school to home or to another location designated by a parent after being authorized and approved to be away from school as provided in ORS 339.065, but is not suspended or expelled; or 
      • (d) emancipated or exempt from compulsory school attendance pursuant to ORS 339.030. 

      (3) Violation of any provision of this section may be subject to a fine or penalty in the maximum amount of $1,000. 

      (Ord. No. 1700, Amended, 03/03/2011; Ord. No. 1625, Amended, 04/20/2006; Ord. No. 1507, Amended, 10/19/2000; Ord. No. 1432, Enacted, 10/07/1997)

      MEWA will be participating in Virtual Schools Capitol Day 2016
      Please join us on February 24th -8:30 am- 3:30 pm
      We will be closing the campus and activities on this day and the school staff, students, and families will be taking buses down to Salem.  This is a great opportunity to not only have your voice heard, but the day will be filled with fun activities as we visit our state's capitol.
      Don't forget to fill out permission slips and RSVP so we can plan ahead. Lunch will be provided; we encourage you to bring extra snacks/water!
      To reserve your space, you must sign-up both at MEWA (to reserve your space on the bus) and at the Oregon Virtual School Day site by February 23.  All students and children will need to have a permission form in order to ride the bus so fill it out early and turn it into Nichole Steele. To learn more and to see the permission form, click here!

      • Chess Club with Mr. Ling begins Thursday and every Thursday in the Science/Art room from 11:30-12:30.

      Come play chess, join in a little friendly competition, improve your skills, and have fun!!!

      FYI... playing chess just might improve your math and problem solving skills too!!!  

       Capitol Day

      On April 16, 2015, over 250 virtual school students and parents joined us in Salem to show their enthusiastic support for virtual public education. They rallied on the front steps of the Capitol, and walked the halls of the State Legislature to talk to their representatives about the importance of keeping virtual education as an option for Oregon families. Several key legislators were on hand to accept the Golden Apple Award. This award is presented to lawmakers who have supported efforts to expand access to virtual public schools.

      If you attended Capitol Day this year or in a previous year, thank you so much for your support. For those of you who have not been able to join us for Capitol Day, you can view photos here.

      Virtual Schools Capitol Day 2016

      Are you looking for an opportunity to teach your children about state government and demonstrate your support for virtual public education.  Then join us in Salem for Virtual Public Schools Capitol Day on Wednesday, February 24, 2016.

      Every year, our families travel to the State Capitol in Salem to express their support for virtual public schools.  It's an opportunity to thank our legislative champions , show our support for virtual public schools and talk to legislators about protecting this education option.

      We’re honored this year to be joined by Tillie Elvrum, the President of, a national coalition devoted to protecting education options for families. She will be sharing her story about becoming an active parent in support of public school options and what the coalition is doing around the country.
      I hope you will join us in Salem on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 for our 8th Annual Virtual Public Schools Capitol Day. Fill out the form below to register today!

      You can register at this link!!


      • Are you a senior and need to complete work samples for graduation? Contact your counselor or teacher and let's get you signed up ASAP! 
      • Do you need a math tutor?  Contact Toyoko Akiyama-Becker at (503) 669-1052 or She charges $20 for 45 minutes of tutoring.
      • Toyoko will now be tutoring in our open lab from 12:30 to 2:30 Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please see Toyoko for an appointment for one-on-one tutoring.
      • eAspire is a mentorship program for high school students who are interested in learning about educational and career opportunities. Students who sign up for the program are paired with a mentor who is trained in helping students with college applications, financial aid paperwork, vocational training opportunities and more.  Student who apply must be in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade and be able to communicate using email.  If you are interested in the program please contact Brian Baker at 503-258-4796 for more details.   You can learn more about this program at this link!
      student with mentor

      Become a Mentor for the Aspire Program! Volunteer to mentor middle school or high school students in your community.

      • COSA Scholarships
      Each year COSA sponsors or assists in processing ten $1,000 college scholarships.  These scholarships are for Oregon high school seniors attending 2 or 4 year Oregon colleges.  The applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2016.  Results will be announced by May 1, 2016.

      • OASSA Scholarships
      Two $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year to graduating seniors from Oregon public high schools.  The scholarships may be used for a 2- or 4-year university, trade, or professional/technical school.  These two scholarships are for a son, daughter, or dependent child of an OASSA member who meet the criteria listed on the application.  The applications must be postmarked by March 28, 2016. Results will be announced by May 1, 2016.

      CLICK HERE to view more information and access the COSA and OASSA Scholarship applications.

      • Looking for parent volunteers: Are you a good reader? Would you be willing to read to a student or possibly be read to by a student? We could use your help! Please send your name and contact information to Christina Struyk-Bonn at
      • Work Samples! If you are graduating this year and still need to complete those writing, reading and math work samples, please let us know and we'll get you scheduled!

      • Parent/Family Group Meetings: 1st of the month 9:00-10:30 am

      Please RSVP if possible, an invite/reminder will be sent to parents prior!!

      Students of the Month for January
      Angie Rodriguez
      Ashley Gregg
      Daniel Truong

      Most Improved Students for January
      Cameron McMahon
      Hayley Chilton

      • Our State Report Card is now available! Both English and Spanish versions are available.  Click on this Link! Go to Gresham Barlow School District in the scroll down menu and find Metro East Web Academy.

      • If you would like information on signing up for the ACT or SAT, please see Ms. Menashe

      ·Now available on our website:

        We can now accept payments via PayPal for fees or donations.  If you would like to donate to our school, we use the money to pay for scholarships and activities such as field trips, incentives, and other extras that we provide our students and programs. As we are a 501 (c) (3), all donations are tax deductible and we will furnish you with a letter with our federal tax ID #.

        Get our app now and stay tuned to important announcements:

        Download your app for your iPhone or Droid from iTunes and Google Play by selecting the following:

        Select for iPhone                                                                                                   

        Stay connected through Facebook.  We share informative and valuable messages daily.