Saturday, September 21, 2013

Student Video Contest - Taking action to create social change

The IWitness Video Challenge invites students in grades 6‐12 to create social value in their community, guided by the theme Ordinary People—Extraordinary Actions. Drawing inspiration from video testimonies found on IWitness, students identify an issue that needs changing and then become motivated to take action. They document their journey by constructing a video essay that tells their personal story of how they went from connecting with the past to building a better future.

Read more about it here.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Field Trip to Zenger Farm

September 25
12:30 pm to 4 pm

Do you want to see a working, urban farm? Come on the field trip to Zenger Farm.

Zenger Farm is a sustainable, urban farm in SE Portland that promotes healthy eating, wetland conservation, and environmental stewardship. You will tour the farm to see how it functions and learn about its mission of providing food to the community. Afterwards, you will get your hands dirty and help out on the farm.

Students are asked to dress appropriately for the weather (what ever it may be that day), bring water bottles, wear closed-toe shoes, and bring along clothes that can dirty.

See the Announcement in BrainHoney to complete the permission form

Spaces are limited (service learning students have first priority) so sign up now!

Volunteer Club starts on Wednesday, September 18th

The first meeting of the Volunteer Club starts Wednesday, September 18 at 12 pm in Conference Room C.  We will be taking a trip out to MEWA's Community Garden plot and plan out volunteer opportunities for this year.
Snacks will be provided!
Contact Ms Hathaway if you have any questions.