Friday, October 18, 2013

Involving Everyone & Important Announcements


Enrolling your student in an online education is an important step toward ensuring their continued growth and learning.  The online student is one who works well independently; however, family involvement in the education of a student is crucial to their success.  Having the support of an adult can positively influence the academic growth of a student.  A study from the US Department of Education shows that parents and family members who take the time to be involved in a student’s education increases that student’s ability to get better grades and test scores, graduate from high school, continue on to a higher education, be better behaved and have a more positive attitude (USDE).  What does family involvement look like?  It can be a variety of activities that both the family and the student benefit from.  Activities such as: reading together, checking homework, getting involved with the school, talking with teachers regularly, or simply asking, “How was school today?” every day, all show the student how important their education is to the family.
At MEWA, our culture of learning and personalized education is the first step in supporting our students.  We encourage all family members to be involved in their student’s education and are always available to talk about different ways this can be done.  One of the exciting new ways to be directly involved in your student’s academic life is by attending our Parent Booster Group meetings.  Participation in this group is open to all MEWA parents, grandparents, guardians, and staff members.  The focus of this group will be to organize and support activities that promote our school and provide enrichment and growth opportunities for students and staff.  Contact the school for more information on meeting times and topics of discussion.  As always, we welcome feedback from family members!
Important Announcements…
MEWA is starting a student leadership club.  This club will be open to all students!  The focus of the club will be to build leadership skills for those who join.  Ms. Norrander will be the staff sponsor with Mr. May-Varas and Dr. Gray assisting.
Fiddler on the Roof field trip on October 30th:  The play starts at 12:00 PM.  We will leave school around 10:30, board the Max, and head downtown.  The cost of the play is $15.00.  Permissions forms must be turned in by Friday, October 25th.
Don’t Forget!  Our incentive program is in full swing.  We will have a drawing on November 22, 2013 for a giveaway of two iPod Touch 16GB players.  To enter, students must login every school day, work at least 1 hour on coursework while logged in each school day, and complete 5 assignments per week that are submitted for grading.  We hope all MEWA and GED students continue to participate!

Remember the ME in MEWA; at Metro East you come first.