Monday, November 11, 2013

The Season of Giving With Metro East

It’s November.  The days are getting dark earlier, the storms have arrived, & Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away.  Celebrating the holidays marks the beginning of the "Season of Giving."  This year, Metro East is excited to partner together with SnowCap Community Charities, the Service Learning Club, and the Volunteer Club to sponsor a canned food drive!  Our drive will run through November 22nd and we have a large collection barrel in our school lobby for donations.  Foods such as canned fruit and vegetables, peanut butter, dry pastas and grains, soups, stews and chili, canned meats, tuna fish, shelf stable milk, breakfast cereals, soups and sauces, baby food and formula are much needed in our community and are appreciated.  All non-perishable donations can be brought to the school.  For every item donated, students will receive a ticket for a chance to win a $10 iTunes gift card.  The more you donate, the higher chance of winning the iTunes gift card!  Contact Ms. Hathaway with any questions.

About our partner, SnowCap Community Charities:
SnowCap Community Charities is a philanthropic organization created to provide food, clothing, advocacy and other services to the poor.”  The organization began in 1967 when members of the East Multnomah County Community noticed many of the needs of the residents were not being met.  SnowCap (which stands for Suburban Neighborhoods Operation Witness Community Action Program) originally set-up three centers from which the community was served.  By the organization’s 40th anniversary it had served over 1.4 million people, had a staff of 7 and a budget of $500,000.  With this, SnowCap was able to implement new programs including: English language instruction, community gardens, and home delivered food boxes for seniors.  For more information about SnowCap visit:  We at MEWA are proud to be partners of this organization and a member of the community at large.  Thank you for your generosity and participation in our canned food drive!

Important Announcements…

Tomorrow is a sequential calendar date!  “Each century contains twelve such sequential number calendar dates, the first being 01-02-03 and the last one, 12-13-14. So, December 13, 2014 will be the last such sequential calendar date in the 21st century” (Aziz S. Inan, Ph.D., Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon).

MEWA Student Leadership Club.  This club is open to all students with a focus on building leadership skills for those who join. If you are interested in joining, please attend the next meeting on Thursday, November 14, 1:30 PM at MEWA.  You do not have to be present to participate.  Contact Ms. Norrander for more information: Julie Norrander <>
Our Parent Booster Group will have the next meeting November 20th at 6:00 PM at MEWA.  Participation in this group is open to all MEWA parents, grandparents, guardians, and staff members.  The focus of this group is to organize and support activities that promote our school and provide enrichment and growth opportunities for students and staff.  Snacks and refreshments are provided.
College Bound Students: Take a Free ACT/SAT Practice Test! Warm up for the test and find out how you would score.  Get realistic practice and try your hand at the types of questions you’ll face on the actual exam.  You’ll receive a personalized score report pinpointing your strengths and weaknesses.  Princeton Review Assessment:  1-888-578-8378 ext. 1030. The dates for the 4-hour test are 11/16 – 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM or 12/8 – 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.  They are located at 421 SW Hall St., Portland.  You can check them out at:  The test and results are free – this is a for-profit company and they will offer students the opportunity to take prep classes at a cost.
Field Trip Opportunities…Our school is scheduling a field trip for November 26th to the Portland Art Museum to see the Samurai exhibit. We plan to take the kids there via MAX.  Please contact Mr. Kennedy or Ms. Powell if you have an interest or questions.  Join us December 4 as we tour the new Portland-Milwaukie Lite Rail Project! Fill out the permission form here:
Stay Active! We have many incentive programs right now including: a drawing for (2) 16GB iPod Touches, weekly drawings for Drop-In Lab goal achievements, & Student of the Month awards.

Remember the ME in MEWA; at Metro East you come first.