Friday, March 7, 2014

A New Age of Interaction

Photo via Social Media Examiner
It wasn’t always this way.  “Back in the day” you would be reading this in a magazine or newspaper, printed on paper, and delivered to your house every week or month.  The concept of a blog was reserved to a journalist, someone who attended school, received a degree in Creative Writing and/or Journalism, and set out to create a career based on writing.  Now, one can become a journalist with the click of a button and approximately $10 a year (to claim your blog site domain).  What changed?  People are more connected, yet strangely more disconnected.  We get our news from Facebook’s News Feed and Twitter’s 140 character tweets.  Now, by the time you turn on the 5 o’clock news, it’s already old news.  The way we interact as humans has become faster, more immediate, and incredibly responsive.  We can talk directly to a company about their products, deal with customer service situations on Twitter, and all of this while on the go through the phone in our hand.  It’s incredible really.

Even the concept of education has changed, as you well know.  Students are able to take their classrooms with them while they travel to compete as athletes.  Snow days are a thing of the past; as long as the Internet is still connected, it’s business as usual for our students.  Teachers are able to be more responsive and available to support their students on an individual level.  The evolution of interaction has certainly improved this aspect of our lives.

We are launching a scavenger hunt game of sorts for our MEWA students to help them gage how much they know about their school and on what platforms they are able to interact with the MEWA community.  This “Digital Domination” game takes place totally online across the website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and this very blog.  Even the entry form is available online and will be submitted that way.  We believe our students to be digital masters and hope this game encourages them to explore the digital space that MEWA exists in.  The game will launch on March 7th and a winner will be selected on March 19.  The prize?  Increased knowledge of the MEWA digital community…as well as a $50 gift certificate to the Family Fun Center in Wilsonville. More information can be found here:

The question remains whether or not this evolution of interaction is completely for the better.  We have even asked that ourselves, and designed our school around an education structure that continues to incorporate real-time, in-person learning and development at our brick and mortar location.  There is still a need for face-to-face human interaction, for we are by nature social creatures.  It’s important to remember to unplug and look at the world around us, use our senses to discover new things.  By balancing the technological evolution with our true human instincts, we will maintain balance in the new age of interaction.

Where do you interact with others the most online? What about offline?  Which do you prefer?